Depending on the financial circumstances of both parties, one partner may have to make payments to aid in the financial support of their ex. However, specific events, such as death or getting remarried, can alter these payments. Unless otherwise agreed in writing or expressly provided in the divorce decree, the obligation to pay future maintenance is terminated upon the death of either party or the remarriage of the party receiving maintenance.

However, the termination of maintenance in Colorado for a spouse is not the same as it is when financially supporting children. Child support, on the other hand, may still be owed after the paying parent dies.

Unless otherwise agreed in writing or expressly provided in the court orders, provisions for the support of a child are not terminated by the death of a parent obligated to support the child. When a parent obligated to pay support dies, the amount of support may be modified, revoked, or commuted to a lump-sum payment, to the extent just and appropriate in the circumstances.

Always talk with an attorney before you alter your payments to prevent the risk of legal ramifications. Schedule an appointment with Jones Law Firm, PC for more information about termination of maintenance in Colorado, as how it pertains to each case is unique. Call us today at (720) 606-4818 to get in contact with an attorney who will advocate for your rights.