Are you single, dating, and trying to figure out how to manage dating and raising your kids in a healthy and sound environment in which they can thrive? The number of single parents increases by over 2 million each year. The majority of these newly single parents have been previously married for up to 10 years. When they began to even consider dating again, they can end up with more questions than answers initially. They rightly feel the dating world has changed since they were single and the added pressure of children and child custody battles can be overwhelming.

When facing this challenge, keep the following in mind.

Get A Life. Single parents often say that their children are their life. This is not healthy for children when taken to an extreme. Strive for a work-life balance.

Consider your date as a potential “parent’ but only after you have taken the time to decide if the person is someone YOU want to be around too. This is a delicate balancing game and you are the KEY piece in the game.

Be an example to your children and display the moral values you are trying to instill in them. For example, if you don’t want them sleeping around or seeking to validate self-esteem from a guy or girl, don’t you do it.

Get the counseling help you need to put your past behind you and start your new life stronger, more confident, and better than ever. You and your children will benefit from you being emotionally healthy and healed. Seek counseling or a support group if only for a short while.

Do not talk badly about your child’s other parent and do not allow third parties to do so, including your mother, father, sister, best friend and so on. This is bad for your child. Think of it as an endless “Yo Mama” joke with your child as the butt of the quip constantly. Not nice.

Swing when you are at the park. Enjoy your life as it is now. If you take your son to karate, consider getting a uniform and taking lessons too. Buy yourself a pair of used roller blades and skate when your kids skate. You will get outside and probably laugh some too. Take a swimming lesson and a tennis lesson at the same time as your kids. Arrange play dates with children your kids like and whose parents YOU also like being around. This is your life too.