As much as we all love our Facebook, Twitter or other social media accounts, we sometimes forget that over-sharing on these public forums can have significant and negative consequences, not only professionally and personally, but there are legal consequences as well.

We have all seen the posts of a friend venting about her relationship woes or how they drank way too much the night before.

Judges and Magistrate’s here in Colorado generally disdain parents or divorcing spouses venting their relationship issues online–especially issues that involve a child. The Court will consider evidence of a party’s public postings when making decisions regarding the best interest of the children. Bad-mouthing Mom or Dad about parenting will only serve to make you look bad and can impair case.

According to a 2010 American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers survey, 81 percent of their members saw an increase in divorce cases using social networking evidence over the last five years.

The old adages holds true: “If you don’t have anything nice to say–don’t say anything at all”