No one was really shocked when Kim Kardashian filed for divorce. It was far more surprising to find out that Rhea Pearlman and Danny DeVito called it quits after 30 years of marriage or that Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon ended their 23 year relationship. And sadly they are not alone. The “Gray Divorce” is on the rise.

According to a study by Bowling Green State University, the rate of divorce among those 50 or over has more than doubled in the last 29 years. For those in their second or third marriage, the chances of throwing in the towel increase by 150 percent. At this rate, the University predicts at least 800,000 annual divorces in this demographic by the year 2030.

Why is the “Gray Divorce” so popular now? Some blame the internet – dating sites for people over 50 and social media sites that allow for the re-igniting of an old flame. Others cite the desire for fulfillment. According to AARP, most divorces of people 40-69 are filed by women. After the kids are raised, they refocus on their own needs. In all their soul-searching they realize they want more out of their personal lives. They evaluate their options and make a choice: Seek the help of a marriage counselor or seek the counsel of a divorce attorney.