Destination Divorce, LLC is a new company in Fort Wayne, Indiana that is capitalizing on a new trend that originated in Europe. The concept is that the parties pick a relaxing destination, and spend a long weekend negotiating their divorce case with the aid of a mediator until they hopefully reach a full resolution.
As explained on the company’s website, the parties stay in separate hotel rooms, and the process generally begins on Friday and ends on Sunday. On Friday the parties begin mediating their divorce, and then the process continues until a full agreement is reached or the three day weekend is over. Once an agreement is reached, then an attorney drafts up the agreement prior to the parties leaving their destination. Then, once the Destination Divorce staff returns to their office, they file all the necessary paperwork with the Court to complete the parties’ divorce.
Destination divorce seems to have offer several perks in comparison to a traditional contested divorce.
- Each party has control. Each get to pick the weekend, pick the mediator, and once at your destination they have the mediator’s undivided attention while the two parties hash every contested issue out.
- It’s quick. While a contested divorce can drag out for months to years. A destination divorce provides a good incentive to come to a resolution while you have Destination Divorce’s undivided attention.
- It’s cheaper. While you might think flying to an exotic location to settle your divorce is not the best way to use your money. However, I think you’re wrong. Litigating a divorce is very expensive. And as the process drags out, parties tend to stress about the billable hours adding up month after month. If they are able to come to a resolution at their destination, I am almost positive you will be saving thousands of dollars in the long run.
- Life won’t get in the way. Living through a contested divorce can be exhausting. And when parties try to make decisions about their case, parties often are also juggling the stress of becoming a single parent, or missing work to meet with their lawyer or go to work. While at your destination divorce, you can clear your head of those worries, and focus solely on your divorce, without the rest of your life getting in the way.