The hit comedy HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN 10 DAYS was about a woman who wanted to show her lovesick friend all the mistakes women typically make in relationships. She would choose some unsuspecting guy, do the wrong things on purpose and watch as he ran for the hills. Of course it’s Hollywood. So the beautiful Kate Hudson was always going to wind up with the gorgeous Matthew McConaughey. But it’s a great premise. And so along that line of thinking, here are some surefire ways to have a marriage end in divorce .

The first strategy has to do with the in-laws. This one is gender-specific. Men, you will want to be-stand-offish with your in-laws. Ladies, you will want to include your in-laws on as much as possible. This may seem more counter-intuitive than the men’s strategy. The reasoning is that the men find it to be an issue of meddling when their wives are too close to their parents. But whether you’re a man or a woman, following this scheme increases the probability of divorce by 20 percent.

Other tactics have to do with honest communications. Keeping your feelings bottled up is an almost fool-proof plan. It will simultaneously build resentment and stifle communication. You may also want to try constantly playing the victim. Letting your spouse over-indulge while you sit in judgment is a great silent marriage killer. You could try always being right. Make up your mind ahead of time that there is so greater logic and reasoning than yours. Then it’s just a waiting game to see how long it takes him or her to come around.

But if you really want to fight dirty, use intimacy. Men can withhold simple warmth, affection, and tender words. Women just need to use the tried and true expression “I have a headache.” It’s brilliant. Men and women have certain needs. Within the commitment of marriage, the spouse is the only one that can meet those needs. If you cut them off where there is no other outlet, you’re well on your way to kissing those vows goodbye.