Our office spends a lot of time representing our clients in Douglas County. Although we love working with our clients in Douglas County’s domestic relations court, we have been shocked at how long it takes to get a final hearing date for our clients.

As a family law advocate I understand how important it is for my clients to resolve their disputes quickly so that they can get on with their life. However, when a client’s case is in Douglas County it is almost impossible for our office to resolve their case in a year or less. The reason our office is having difficulty is because Douglas County is currently setting hearings in 2015.

As a result we have been exploring the idea of hiring a private judge to hear out Douglas County client’s cases. A private judge is someone who has served as a judge in Colorado, but is no longer serving. In order to use a private judge both parties must agree on which private judge they would like to use, and then the parties request that the Chief Justice appoint the selected private judge to their case.

Although hiring a private judge to hear your case sounds extravagant, it may actually be less costly. This is because typically the quicker your divorce is, the less costly it is. Therefore hiring a private judge to hear your case six to nine months earlier than Douglas County can hear it may end up saving you and your soon to be ex thousands of dollars in attorneys fees.

Therefore, if you are interested in getting a divorce, but don’t want to wait until 2015, it is worth your time to explore the idea of hiring a private judge to hear your case.