Are you a victim of spousal abuse or is your husband or wife abusing your children? If your spouse is threatening imminent bodily harm upon you or your children, or if he or she has physically abused a member of your family (including you), you could be a victim of domestic violence.

Domestic violence refers to verbal abuse, sexual abuse, or physical abuse committed by one family or household member against another member of the family or household. As a divorce law firm, we help victims of domestic violence, specifically spouses and children, file for divorce and seek legal protections available to victims of abuse. One way we do this is by helping them obtain a restraining order.

Effects of a Restraining Order

In Colorado, victims of domestic violence can ask the court for a restraining order. The effects of a restraining order include:

  • It can order the abuser to stay away from you and your children.
  • It can order the abuser to move out of the family home.
  • It can order the abuser to relinquish his or her firearms.
  • It can give you temporary custody of your children.
  • If your children are being harmed, it can deny parenting time.
  • It can provide you with safety during pick-ups and drop-offs.
  • It can order your abuser to pay child or spousal support.

“How do I get a restraining order?” For you to get a restraining order, you must show the court that your spouse or partner hurt you (or your children), or threatened to hurt you and that you are in imminent danger of being abused if the restraining order is not issued.

If a restraining order is issued and the defendant (abuser) violates it; for example, he or she shows up at your doorstep, you should call the police immediately. Under Colorado law, it is a crime to violate any of the provisions in a restraining order. A violation can result in a fine, incarceration, and a criminal conviction.

To learn more, read these FAQs about civil protection (restraining) orders.

If you are a victim of domestic violence and are seeking a safe divorce that protects your parental rights, contact Jones Law Firm, PC today.