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Divorce & Family Law in Centennial, Colorado

When you think of the relationships and personal issues involved with the traditional notion of family, you can see how the practice area of family law entails a wide range of legal matters. The relevant concepts may arise at some of the happiest moments of your life, such as marriage or adoption. However, you may also encounter family law matters related to divorce, child custody and support, domestic violence, and many others. 

For these and many other reasons, it is critical to work with a knowledgeable attorney when you have questions or face legal issues that affect your family relationships. Our team at the Jones Law Firm, PC is dedicated to protecting your interests, so please contact us to set up a free consultation with a Centennial family lawyer. You can also read on for an overview of family law and how we can support your needs.

Though the specifics of our representation will be customized for your unique circumstances, our services in the area of family law include:


The Colorado Uniform Dissolution of Marriage Act contains the relevant provisions on requirements and proceedings for divorce. Spouses will generally need to address three key issues:

  1. A determination of what assets are marital and which belong to each spouse separately, followed by an equitable distribution of marital property to the parties;
  2. Whether spousal support should be awarded, as well as the type, duration, amount, and other terms; and,
  3. Attorneys’ fees for divorce proceedings, since one party may be required to pay a portion on behalf of the other.

Divorcing couples with children must also address the issue of child custody, visitation, and support as described below.

Like many other US states, Colorado has modernized the terminology used to describe parental relationships with children. Instead of “custody,” the statutes refer to parental responsibilities. The topic covers decision making on education, religion, extracurricular activities, travel, entertainment, and other issues involved with raising the child. Rather than awarding “visitation,” the parties have parenting time. An equal or joint arrangement is preferred regarding parental responsibilities and parenting time, but it may not be suitable in some cases.

In general, determinations on custody and visitation are governed by the child’s best interests, which are a paramount consideration in the eyes of Colorado law. The statute includes such factors as:

  • The wishes of the parents;
  • The wishes of the child, if appropriate given age and maturity;
  • The interaction between the child and parents, siblings, and others who play a role in his or her life;
  • The mental and physical health of all individuals;
  • The ability of each parent to encourage a positive relationship between the child and the other parent; and,
  • Others as designated by the child’s best interests statute.

For purposes of child support, Colorado has adopted guidelines as a default. The two basic factors are the income of the parties and the number of children entitled to support; from there, adjustments may increase the amount to account for the unique situation.

Note that many of the same issues involving parental responsibilities, parenting time, and child support can also come up in connection with paternity proceedings. Both parents have rights and responsibilities related to their offspring regardless of marriage, and these attach upon determination of parentage.

Other Family Law Cases

Our lawyers are also skilled in additional areas of family law, including:

  • Enforcement of family law court orders;
  • Modifications and relocation petitions;
  • Paternity actions;
  • Fathers’ and grandparents’ rights;
  • Prenuptial agreements;
  • Domestic violence and orders of protection; and,
  • Many more.

Strategies for Addressing Family Law Disputes

Despite the presence of conflicts or disagreements in the above family law matters, there are ways of resolving disputes without the need for a drawn-out court hearing. In many cases, it is possible to work out an agreement; this strategy can be particularly effective in divorce proceedings. Spouses can often compromise on the distribution of marital assets, spousal support, and issues related to minor children. Even when they cannot reach an agreement on every issue, an accord on some matters can streamline the divorce process. The judge will likely approve your agreement, though any issues involving children must go through the child’s best interests analysis.

If you are unable to agree or an agreement is inappropriate under the circumstances, you will need to go to court for a hearing in many family law cases. The proceedings are similar to a trial, so essential tasks involve:

  • Gathering evidence to support your position;
  • Filing a petition, motion, or other official request for the court to rule in your favor;
  • Introducing evidence and testimony;
  • Contesting evidence and cross-examining witnesses presented by opposing parties; and,
  • Carrying out the instructions or other orders of the court pursuant to the judge’s decision.

Our 4-Step Process

At Jones Law Firm, PC, our approach to family law matters is structured to assess and support your needs. Our process functions as follows:

  1. Contact our office to speak with one of our attorneys and discuss the basic legal issues.
  2. Schedule a complimentary case evaluation for a more in-depth analysis of your situation, goals, and relevant laws.
  3. During our consultation or shortly thereafter, we will develop an action plan based upon your family law goals.
  4. Through our action plan, we will fight on your behalf to achieve your goals and protect your interests.

Contact a Centennial Family Lawyer to Discuss Your Situation

While this overview of Colorado family law may be useful in helping you understand the basics, there are many other subtleties that could affect your interests. These matters touch upon some of your most intimate relationships and personal rights, so you can be sure that emotional factors will play a substantial role. For these reasons, retaining experienced legal counsel is essential.

For more information on how our team can assist with your family law matter, please contact Jones Law Firm, PC. We can schedule a no-cost consultation to review your situation, explain the relevant legal concepts, and determine strategies to obtain the best possible outcome.

For assertive legal advocacy with your family matter, contact Jones Law Firm, PC today for your initial case evaluation!