Being Real About Your Feelings In An Amicable Divorce

Thrown in with the stories of viciously dramatic celebrity divorces are the occasional tales of celebrity couples that had more amicable separations. See how nice they look spending time with their child. Their divorce is better than some couples’ marriages. But the camera doesn’t go home with them. It’s not there to capture the moments alone at the end of the day. When the music has stopped and the paparazzi have gone home, they’re just like anyone else who has ended a relationship.

In the beginning of a marriage, there are so many hopes for a relationship that will last. When a couple decides to divorce (even if amicably) it is the severing of that relationship because at least one of the two is unhappy. It is common for regret and self-doubt to creep in. There will likely be moments of confusion and sadness as you realize that some old routines will have to change (or be eliminated altogether). Sadness and loneliness will probably also make an appearance.

Do not mistake these emotions as a sign of weakness. Even 250 pound football players have to sit out a game (or even a season) if they are injured badly enough. Your strength isn’t shown by acting like you don’t feel anything. It is shown by your willingness to work through the pain to get back to a place of wholeness. And before too long, you will get there.