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Family ties extend beyond just parents and their kids, and the bond between children and their grandparents is crucial. At Jones Law Firm, PC, we firmly believe that grandparents have a right to visit and maintain their bonds with their grandkids; therefore, we will help you advocate for custody or visitation. Since every situation is different, we’ll sit down with you to closely evaluate your case before moving forward.

When you work with our Denver grandparents’ rights attorneys, one of our lawyers will assist you in trying to gain custody of visitation of your grandkids. This is especially important if you’re worried that your grandchildren live in a dangerous or neglectful environment—your grandkids’ well-being is our priority. Family law cases can be confusing, but with a highly experienced family law attorney, you’ll keep your grandkids safe.

Should I seek court-ordered visitation or custody of my grandchildren?

There are several situations where child custody or visitation may be awarded to the grandparents of a child. Any person who is not the child’s natural parent may petition for custody if that person has had physical care of the child (under 18 years of age) for at least 6 months or more. The petition must be filed within six months after physical care has ceased.

The team at Jones Law Firm, PC, can walk you through the process of fighting for visitation or custody rights as a grandparent.

Visitation Rights for Grandparents in Denver

In specific regard to grandparents’ rights, visitation may be awarded to the grandparents of a child (or children) if:
The parents have divorcedThe grandparents are the parents of the child’s deceased mother or fatherLegal custody has been granted to a third party

At Jones Law Firm, PC, we are very skilled and professional in our practice areas of all aspects of family law. We know that grandchildren are an important part of your life, and a Denver family attorney can walk you through all the subtleties of grandparent custody or visitation. If some unfortunate accident or circumstance has befallen the natural parents of your grandchild, we understand your desire to do all you can in the child’s best interests. Talk to a family lawyer from our team today.

There is no blanket yes or no answer to this question. Family law matters can become murky fast. Perhaps you feel that your grandchild is being neglected or abused by his or her parents. The natural inclination is to immediately rescue the child from that situation. It is important to consult with a lawyer to see if you have a case. The courts will keep the best interest of the child at the forefront, and we may be able to help you help your grandchildren if you feel it is necessary. If you can prove that your grandchildren will be safer and happier in your custody than with their parents, there is a good chance you will be granted custody or visitation.

Need an attorney for a grandparents’ rights case in Denver? If you want to learn more about your rights as a grandparent, contact our office today or call us at 720-513-5983 to schedule a consultation.