When you find out your spouse is cheating, you might be feeling many emotions like anger, hurt, betrayed - you may even want to reciprocate.

Getting back at your partner may sound like a good idea to you and your friends, but here are five things you should NOT do:

  1. Do not tell your kids. It’s possible they already know. You may need to seek a counselor to get them through this tough time. It is critical to protect those kids.
  2. Do not destroy their stuff. Throwing your spouse’s clothes and golf clubs out of the window only looks good in the movies. It is a crime in Colorado to destroy property. Don’t get yourself thrown in jail or have your kids restricted from you.
  3. Do not go to your spouse’s workplace and try to get them fired. If your spouse loses that income, you also lose that income. Protect your financial future.
  4. Do not let your friends and family tell you what to do. Although their intentions are good, do they know what’s best for you when it comes to your financial security and the future of your children?
  5. Do not be so quick to give up. There are resources available to help you pick up the pieces if you and your spouse want to pick up the pieces.

Contact us now to schedule an initial consultation, discuss your case, and learn more about how we can assist you. Call us at 720-513-5983 to get started.