
The Marriage Hack

I recently watched a Ted talk by Eli Finkel entitled “The Marriage Hack”. I wanted to share my summary and hope that it will spark interest for you to watch the video. I must note upfront that this is NOT just for marriages. This is a “life hack” that can be applied to any type of conflict in your life. Who are your confidants? The study shows that the number of close people you once …

Denver Winter Activities for Couples

Denver offers a wide variety of attractions and seasons to keep use satiated. A lot of the activities can be a great way to spend time with your sweetie. Or better yet, getting to know a new sweetie! The list includes some paid and some free options. One thing I like about the somewhat “silly” options on the list is that it brings out your inner child and a sense of nostalgia. This is a …

Common Law Marriage in Denver

Common Law Marriage A couple does not have to have lived together for at any length of time in order to be considered common law married. Contrary to conventional wisdom, there is no time frame that qualifies a couple as husband and wife. Here is the biggest, most important factor: Heterosexual couples who hold themselves out to the public as being married—are married. So if you call him your husband to your family and others …

How Long Does it Take to Fall in Love?

How Long Does it Take to Fall in Love? A recent study using the measurement of our modern day i.e. (twitter, Facebook, texting etc) brought surprising results. “Back in the day” things didn’t happen so quickly and certainly weren’t as easy. If a man wanted to take a woman out that he was interested in, he would court her. This is a word seldom used in today’s fast paced texting, tweeting, snapchatting world. Today if …

Hidden Problems in a Relationship

Hidden Problems in a Relationship Every relationship has there problems, or sometimes lack there of, which surprisingly is also a bad thing. An article from Yahoo! Shine pin points 9 problems that are hidden in a marriage. After reading through the list you can see why they are referred to as “hidden”. Some of these issues don’t seem apparent until you recognize them. For instance, Digital Communication, this is a huge one today. Anything through …

Second Chances: Giving Your Ex a Second Shot While Your Divorce is Pending

Second Chances: Giving your ex a second shot while your divorce is pending From time to time I will have a client call me a say something like: “John and I were talking last night and we want to work on things and try to save our marriage, is that stupid?” And my answer typically is something like: “That is not stupid, that is great news!” In my experience, this is not an unusual situation. …

2houses: I-Phone App that Divorced Parents Need to Check Out

2houses: I-Phone App that Divorced Parents Need to Check Out Typically Co-Parenting involves hundreds of emails, text messages, and phone calls to the other parent. These communications could be about a myriad of things, for example: parenting time, uninsured medical expenses, ballet recitals, and baseball games, etc. To be honest it is a lot to keep up with, even for parents that live in the same home. So if you’re a divorced parent keeping everything …

Clint Eastwood Separates From Wife After 17 Years

Clint Eastwood Separates From Wife After 17 Years Clint Eastwood and his wife Dina have separated after 17 years of marriage. Initially Dina wanted to set Eastwood up with her mother, but after a second encounter the two shared, they were smitten with one another. In their 17 years they had one child, a daughter who is now 16. The two remain friends, which is a breath of fresh air from the overly dramatic celebrity …

Amnesty for Delinqent Child Support Payers

In Durham County, the Social Services department held a special amnesty day to give non-custodial parents a chance to stop running and hiding from the Child Support Enforcement Department and pay up. Social Services invited nearly two hundred people wanted for not paying their child support to the Durham County Court house. If they showed up and paid two hundred and fifty dollars, their arrest warrant for failure to pay child support would be terminated. …

Don’t Let Your Wedding Cause Your Divorce

Don’t Let Your Wedding Cause Your Divorce Don’t spend a fortune on a fairytale wedding if you want your marriage to have a fairytale ending. Couples that overspend on their wedding day are headed for a divorce, according to a leading family lawyer. The head of family law at Slater and Gordon, Amanda McAlister, says eighty percent of couples who divorce within five years say spending too much on the wedding was one of the …


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Our team includes attorneys licensed to practice in multiple states including April D. Jones in California, Patrick G. Barkman in Texas, the Cherokee Nation, the Northern District of Texas, and the District of Colorado (United States Court of Appeals 10th and 5th Circuit).