
Does Cheating Affect Alimony in Colorado?

People going through a divorce often have preconceived notions of alimony or spousal maintenance, including how it is affected when a divorce is caused by an adulterous spouse. Unfortunately, those preconceived notions of who pays and how much or for how long can be misguided.  Colorado takes alimony very seriously. Lawmakers recognize that when couples marry, their finances become closely intertwined, and then it’s nearly impossible to distinguish the spouse’s contributions to the marital estate. …

Can I Stop Paying Child Support if My Ex Won’t Let Me See My Kids?

When a parent keeps their children from the other during court-ordered parenting time, it is common to have questions regarding child support, such as can you stop paying child support if your ex won’t let you see your children? Don’t Stop Paying Child Support! While stopping child support is a natural response to losing parenting time, it is not legal to do so. Parenting time and child support are separate issues that are handled independently …

Are Child Custody Orders Permanent in Colorado?

Generally, child custody orders are issued in legal separations, divorce actions, and paternity actions. What many parents don’t realize at first is that the family courts see child custody orders as open-ended. Meaning, they are subject to change. There are many valid reasons why a child custody order may need to be changed. Often, child custody orders are modified because the child’s needs or activities change, because of a job change, a new spouse, a relocation, an illness or a disability. Sometimes, …

Can Workers’ Compensation Be Taken for Child Support?

Workers’ compensation is a no-fault system. Meaning, if a worker is injured in a workplace accident or if they become sick with an occupational disease, the worker can file a workers’ compensation claim regardless of their own degree of fault. While workers’ compensation covers medical care and provides monthly benefits to the injured worker, it does not compensate the individual for 100% of their pay prior to their injury. Instead, workers’ compensation is less than …

Are You Guilty of Parental Alienation?

When people divorce, it’s normal to have resentment toward one’s spouse. This is especially the case when there has been adultery, emotional abuse, and other issues that caused hostility to build over the years. It’s only human nature to be critical of one’s ex during a breakup, but when there are children involved, it’s important that parents keep their negative opinions of each other to themselves. Otherwise, if a parent engages in “parental alienation,” it not …

Can I Change a Child Support Order in Colorado?

If you’re getting a divorce for the first time, or if you’re new to the world of child support orders, you may not fully understand how they work. For starters, you cannot stop paying child support if your ex refuses to let you see the kids. If you lose your job, you can’t stop paying either; the child support you owe will continue to add up until a court agrees to modify the existing order – and no, child support is not retroactive …

What Rights Does an Unwed Father Have?

These days, it’s becoming increasingly common for children to be born to unmarried parents. Since so many children are born out of wedlock (outside of marriage) across the country, legal questions have been raised about fathers, and the rights they have when they are not married to their children’s mothers. What rights does an unmarried father have to his children? In all states, not just Colorado, unmarried fathers have zero rights and responsibilities to their …

License Suspensions for Child Support in Colorado

If you are recently separated or divorced and you have been ordered to pay child support, it’s important that you understand what can happen if you fall behind on your child support payments. All states, not just Colorado, have a variety of ways to collect child support if a noncustodial parent falls behind, and they’re not pleasant. Local child support agencies in Denver and throughout Colorado can garnish wages, seize funds in bank accounts (including a joint bank account …

Is Alimony Tax Deductible in Colorado?

You’re probably familiar with the term “alimony,” which is called “spousal maintenance” in Colorado. Spousal maintenance is financial support a higher-earning spouse pays to a lower-earning spouse during or after a divorce. The purpose of alimony is to help a dependent spouse become self-supporting after a divorce. For decades, alimony was tax deductible for the paying spouse and counted as income by the receiving spouse, but as of January 1, 2019, the laws changed. Effective January …

Can I Get a Divorce When My House is Upside-Down?

If you’re fortunate, you’ll head into a divorce with equity in your home, money in the bank, and a couple retirement accounts. This way, once the marital assets are split according to Colorado law, you’ll be comfortable. But, not everyone is that fortunate. For a lot of jaded spouses, there never seems to be a “good time” to divorce. And, if unhappy spouses delay their divorce because they’re waiting for the real estate market to heat up, …


The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.

Our team includes attorneys licensed to practice in multiple states including April D. Jones in California, Patrick G. Barkman in Texas, the Cherokee Nation, the Northern District of Texas, and the District of Colorado (United States Court of Appeals 10th and 5th Circuit).