Over half of all marriages in the United States today, end up in divorce court. Abuse can be physical, sexual, or emotional. There are times when there is a combination of all three. A common reason for the abuse is that one partner is attempting to gain control of the other, by hitting or verbally abusing them. “You’re fat, you’re ugly, no one else would have you,” are examples of verbal and emotional abuse.

The most important thing for anyone to remember, is no that no one, no matter what, how old you are, what gender you are, or what sex you are, absolutely no one deserves to be abused. If you find yourself in this type of marriage, get out. Remove yourself and your children from this situation as quickly as possible. Talk with a lawyer and file for divorce. There are times when a marriage can be reconciled, but other times it just cannot. Get help from an experienced attorney and a good therapist, both of whom can advise you and help you get through the process.