Approximately one of every two married couples today ends their marriages in a divorce court. This is definitely alarming. It can be extremely traumatic for a child if the bond between them and the parent is broken. The Colorado courts do everything possible, if minor children are involved, to make the divorce less traumatic emotionally for them. It is always best, if the parents can come to an agreement related to the custody of the children, but if they cannot, then the courts will step in and make that decision.

The courts take the child’s best interest into consideration when making these decisions.

There are several determinations taken into consideration, including the wishes of the parents by parenting time and also the wishes of the child, if they are mature enough to say their preferences. Child support is based on the Income Shares Model in Colorado, which figures the child support by guidelines according to each parent’s income. For the children, custody battles can be very hard to cope with. The stress and confusion, of the parents splitting can be overwhelming. No matter what age the child is, they still need stability, reassurance, and a positive attitude. An experienced attorney can be of great value when child custody and support is being determined.

Take a look at our Suggested Reading page for book recommendations for both you and your children that may help through this difficult time.