Alimony or spousal maintenance is the monetary support received by one spouse from the other on a periodic basis either during or after the divorce, or both. It works as a balancing factor as the spouses transition from having a shared income to individual incomes.

The court considers factors such as living condition while married, individual income, and needs to decide on the imposition or denial of granting alimony.

Under the Colorado Divorce law, you may receive temporary alimony while the divorce process is ongoing. While alimony, in general, is usually used to provide for the basic spending needs, temporary alimony can also include litigation costs and professional fees of the lawyers.

Alimony payments can be ordered for the purpose of assisting the receiving ex-spouse in improving work skills or enrolling in school in order to gain self-reliance while the income transition has not completed. Payment may end after a certain period of time, usually in a few years.