On Friday, November 9, a judge ruled against Halle Berry moving four-year-old Nahla to France with fiancé Olivier Martinez. This was a great victory for ex-boyfriend Gabriel Aubry, and the latest twist in the ongoing saga. Halle first sought the counsel of a divorce attorney and started making custody arrangements when Nahla was two. And though things looked like they were turning in Halle’s favor, her plans to jet off with Nahla have been grounded.
Halle’s earlier victories include taking Nahla across the country to be with her as she shot a film in New York. There was even a report from the custody evaluator stating that Halle was the better parent and a dependency court order for Gabriel to attend anger management classes. It was also ordered that all visitation between Gabriel and Nahla must be under the supervision of a monitor.
But this last round went to Gabriel. On top of winning custody rights and $20,000 in monthly child support payments (even during an abuse investigation), the judge has sided with him. Arguments that France is stricter on paparazzi that go after celebrities was not enough to take Nahla 5,600 miles away – and basically out of her father’s life.
Read more: https://www.tmz.com/2012/11/09/halle-berry-gabriel-aubry-custody-france/#ixzz2CCSyg07B