By the time a couple arrives at the point where the next logical step is divorce, it is understandable that at least one of you would like to get through the process as quickly as possible. But unlike ripping off a Band-Aid, speed is not typically the best course of action here. Your next step is to contact your attorney. A good attorney understands the emotional effects of divorce, but also understands that there are a number of business matters that must be considered.

During the course of the marriage, a couple accumulates more assets than they may realize. There could be real estate or other properties, retirement and/or savings accounts. And if there are minor children in the home, the list continues to grow. Let your attorney guide you through the questions and frustrations. Trust him or her to help you avoid the pitfalls and make the process as smooth as possible.

Some of the mistakes your attorney can help you avoid:

  • Going To Court Prematurely – When at least one of the parties seeking divorce just wants to get it over with, the natural reaction would be to race to the courthouse. But doing so may lead to extra stress and hasty decisions. Long after the judgment is final, you have to live with the agreements you made. Now is not the time to rush. Keep calm, maintain a level head, and remember what’s at stake.
  • Signing Papers Prematurely – Do not sign anything without letting your attorney read it first. He or she was hired to put your interests first. Likewise your spouse’s attorney was hired for the same reason. Don’t let some strategic wording in your spouse’s favor catch you off guard. Make sure you have your attorney read everything before you sign anything.
  • Not knowing Your Personal Credit Standing – This is typically a greater concern with single income families. You have to make sure that you are master of your own credit. This includes having credit in your own name and knowing your credit rating. Doing so will ease the transition into the independent chapter of your life.
  • Overspending – It is not uncommon for people to give in to extra impulse shopping during a divorce. Some do it merely for the sake of getting back at their spouse one more time. But as mentioned earlier, you have to live with the choices you make now. Remember that you will have to pay back whatever expenses you accrue. Spend wisely. Save wisely.

These and other mistakes can be avoided by consulting your divorce attorney every step of the way. A good, experienced attorney will be there to look out for your best interest and advise you to make the best choices for your situation.