“If my wife ever cheated, I’d leave.” If you were to ask the hypothetical question to men, this may very well be their response. But what if you asked guys that had actually been in that position? Would it surprise you to know that most men didn’t run to their nearest divorce attorney? Well they didn’t. In fact in a poll of 1,500 men who had been cheated on, more than 71 percent of them said they still loved their wives.

In the poll conducted by the site Survive Her Affair, only 7.9 percent of the men said they didn’t want to save their marriage. And while the other 92 percent includes the “undecided” vote, the lack of resolve still leaves hope for happily-ever-after. Of course the road to reconciliation will be long and bumpy. After all, the survey also found that 91.1 percent of the men said that their wives’ affair was the hardest thing they ever went through. Only the occasional military duty or multiple family deaths ranked higher.

But the good news is that they went through it. That means they have moved on – whether they stayed together or parted ways. No matter who does the cheating, infidelity is an emotional trauma that will take time to heal. But even if it means the end of a relationship, it doesn’t have to mean the end of everything. So before you see a good family law attorney, consider first seeing a good family counselor.