The Huffington Post offers us a Top 10 Tips for Traversing the Intersection of Technology and Divorce

In descending order:

10. Beware of the iCloud. . . .

9. What’s in your browser history? . . . .

8. The iPad you left at home may still be connected to your iPhone. . . .

7. Location services on your phone or other mobile device can be used to track your whereabouts. . . .

6. If you get a new phone and give the old one to one of your children, make sure to restore it and remove your data before they take it to your ex’s house. . . .

5. Look out for automatically stored passwords. . . .

4. Look out for automatically stored credit card information as well. . . .

3. Nothing you post on the Internet is private. (If kids can see your pages, so can your spouse.)

2. Stalking: there’s an app for that. . . .

1. It bears repeating: Change Your Passwords.