How Long Does it Take to Fall in Love?

A recent study using the measurement of our modern day i.e. (twitter, Facebook, texting etc) brought surprising results. “Back in the day” things didn’t happen so quickly and certainly weren’t as easy. If a man wanted to take a woman out that he was interested in, he would court her. This is a word seldom used in today’s fast paced texting, tweeting, snapchatting world. Today if you want to say anything to anyone, whether it be “hello”, “I like you” or “lets go on a date” you do it electronically.

The study found that it used to take men two and a half months to “court” a woman. Whereas these days couples are already getting close and comfy with one another 24 days in! Calling each other boyfriend/girlfriend and moving with the quick pace of the world.

It’s no surprise that things move faster than they used to. And it seems like we keep gaining speed! So the next time you find yourself dating someone new, remember its okay to slow it down…just a little!!

Check out the original article here.