Want to learn a way check the health and strength of your relationship? One way of measuring the shape of your relationship is looking to see if your physical affection has diminished or gone downhill. When we say this we are not referring to alone time in the bedroom, but rather what little things you do on a daily basis. Simple acts of physical touch like kissing, holding hands, hugging and putting your arm around one another are ways of communitcating affection to your partner.

Life has a tendency to busy us up and when you or your partner are under a lot of stress, the little physical signs of affection are usually the first to stop. Do you notice that when your husband is under a lot of stress at work or when your wife is stressed from the kids they tend to distance themselves physically or emotionally? Do you personally feel that they would not understand the difficulties you are going through and you don’t want to trouble them with your complaining? These feelings are not out of the ordinary.

When stress is abounding, the to-do list is growing and life gets tough, you will be amazed at what a simple hug can do. Medical professionals suggest that the average person would benefit from getting about 8 hugs a day for many different reasons including:

  1. Hugs help you build a physical and emotional connection so you can build trust and improve communication with that person.
  2. Hugs relieve stress and tension in the muscles which can improve your overall health and immune system
  3. Receiving a hug can improve your oxytocin levels which in turn will help you fight of depression, anger or loneliness
  4. Long extended hugs help boost the “happy chemicals” in your body which can lift up your mood and perspective
  5. Hugs not only help you physically but also mentally- they can boost your self-esteem
  6. Hugs also improve the nervous system and the moisture and galvanic response of someone’s skin
  7. Hugs teach people how to open people up so they are able to receive love and are therefore better at giving it
  8. Hugs transfers good energy between the two individuals

So the next time you are stressed out, angry at your spouse or feeling overwhelmed remember that a simple hug can change everything. You may not be in the mood to give or receive a hug, but it may be just what you or your partner needs at that given time. Also remember, aside from small and simple physical acts of love you can also give kind words of affirmation to your spouse to lift their spirits. Any small reminder of love can keep the pulse of a relationship strong.