When parents decide to divorce, they know they’ll have to deal with child custody and support and have those matters worked out before the divorce can be finalized. While child support and child custody can be stressful, they don’t usually strike fear in the hearts of parents the way fear of parental alienation does, or a damaged relationship with their children because of the divorce.

If you’re heading towards divorce, you’ve probably heard horror stories of friends or family whose lives were damaged by their parents’ divorce. Perhaps someone you knew was a child of divorce and they lost all faith in the institution of marriage.

Perhaps you knew a child who was affected academically and went from being an A student to a D student after their parents’ divorce. Perhaps you know someone whose parents treated them like a pawn during their divorce. Perhaps you know a mother or father who was a victim of parental alienation and one day, their child refused to speak to him or her ever again and the relationship was never repaired.

Are You a Child of Divorce?

Perhaps you’re a child of divorce, and you can relate to one or more of the scenarios above. You know first-hand the ill effects of divorce and how it can impact children, socially, academically, and psychologically. You do not want your children to be negatively affected by your divorce, nor do you want your relationship to suffer because of it.

We have good news – it is possible for children of divorce to remain happy and healthy and for their bonds to be strengthened with their parents, not weakened. So, what is the secret? It all comes down to getting along with your spouse and developing a healthy co-parenting relationship based on mutual respect. It’s so incredibly simple, but it’s surprising how many divorcing parents fail to accomplish this.

Our best parenting advice: Strive to get along with your spouse before, during and after the divorce. Regardless of why the marriage failed, it’s critically important to be kind and respectful to each other for the sake of the kids.

Young children and teens are very sensitive and nothing pleases them more than to see their parents working together to raise their children. If you can set your differences aside and treat your spouse with respect, you’re already halfway there. All you need to do is get your spouse on board and the rest should fall into place.

To meet with a Denver divorce lawyer for free, contact Jones Law Firm, PC.