When a parent keeps their children from the other during court-ordered parenting time, it is common to have questions regarding child support, such as can you stop paying child support if your ex won’t let you see your children?

Don’t Stop Paying Child Support!

While stopping child support is a natural response to losing parenting time, it is not legal to do so. Parenting time and child support are separate issues that are handled independently of one another. Parents who stop paying child support without consulting with the court could be subject to wage garnishment, frozen bank accounts, driver’s license suspension, and more.

What to Do If Your Ex Won’t Let You See Your Kids

So, what can you do if your ex won’t let you see your children? While you shouldn’t stop paying child support, you have some legal options:

1. File a contempt motion against the other parent with the court.

2. File a motion to enforce your parenting time.

3. Call one of our divorce lawyers.

As you pursue these solutions, keep calm and keep paying child support, as it will help your case and allow you to see your children sooner.