When we think of the family unit, many of us first consider parents and their children. However, family connections extend beyond this. Grandparents often have strong bonds with their grandchildren, and they can provide life perspectives that parents may not be able to. Keep reading this quick guide to expand your understanding of the pathway to court-ordered family time for grandparents in Colorado.
What Is Family Time for Grandparents?
Generally, grandparents have a right to seek family time with their grandchildren unless a Court deems otherwise. In Colorado, a grandparent must file the appropriate motion into an existing Dissolution of Marriage or Allocation of Parental Responsibilities case.
When reviewing family time for grandparents, the judge will always base their decision on the child’s best interest. If the grandparents show deep love for the child and the bond would aid the grandchild, the Court is more likely to grant visitation rights. Spending time with the grandparents must benefit the child physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally. Additionally, the Court must consider the wishes of the parents in regard to family time for grandparents.
Talking with an attorney before submitting paperwork to the Court is best, as a legal professional can determine how strong of a case you have. Jones Law Firm, PC, has strategic and compassionate family law attorneys in Denver, CO, who will stand up for your rights.
When Can Grandparents Seek Family Time With Their Grandchildren?
Grandparents can advocate for family time with their grandchildren whenever there’s an existing Dissolution of Marriage or Allocation of Parental Responsibilities matter in which the court has entered a parenting time order.
Why Do Grandparents’ Ability To Have Family Time With Grandchildren Matter?
The next key area in our quick guide to understanding family time for grandparents is the importance of the grandparent-grandchild bond. Going to Court can feel stressful, but if visitation is in the best interest of the grandchild you love, it’s worth it. Spending time with grandparents helps a child establish a wider range of healthy bonds and role models. A grandparent can also teach a child about their culture or family history.
Protecting Your Right To Seek Family Time
A healthy relationship with grandparents provides a child with other adults who love them unconditionally. It also gives the grandparents a young relative to cherish. In Colorado, grandparents can petition for the right to see their grandchildren, and a family law attorney will lead them through the process.
Hire an attorney from Jones Law Firm, PC, for family law representation in Denver, CO, and the surrounding area. We devote our time and attention to clients and advocate for them as if they were our own family. Schedule a free consultation to discuss your case with our team.