Home » Family Lawyer in Denver » Get a Divorce in Denver » Denver Collaborative Divorce Attorneys

Are you planning to hire a collaborative divorce attorney in Denver? Jones Law Firm, PC, has the necessary experts who will advocate for your rights. During this type of divorce, both parties have more control over the results than they would during litigation. A superb lawyer will collaborate with the other party’s attorney to create an ideal outcome for both of you. This helps reduce the stress that many individuals experience during family law cases.

When you hire a lawyer at Jones Law Firm, our whole team will support you. Hire a collaborative divorce attorney who will keep the process civil and efficient as they assist you.

What is a collaborative divorce?

A collaborative divorce is a process that attempts to minimize the stress and anxiety that is commonly experienced by family members, including children, during a typical litigated divorce. This type of divorce resolution is gaining ground thanks to the dedicated efforts of mediation experts and attorneys who have observed the benefits that this unique approach can offer during a time that is normally fraught with anger, confusion, and disappointment.

Read About the Benefits of Collaborative Divorce

At Jones Law Firm, PC, we are committed to using our thorough knowledge of mediation and family law to offer a collaborative divorce process focused on respect and mutual understanding, while ensuring that your needs, and those of your children, are properly addressed. Since the process is based on cooperation, reaching a resolution can typically happen more easily and achieved in less time compared to most divorce cases handled in court.

The collaborative process is based on four key components:

  • With assistance from your separate attorneys, divorce-related issues are negotiated and resolved outside of court
  • There is a written agreement where both spouses agree to stay out of court during the collaborative negotiation process
  • A mutual agreement by the divorcing couple to foster mutual respect, cooperation, and honest communication during
  • The goal of reaching a resolution that is the most beneficial and addresses the needs of each family member, including their children

We Take a Family-Centered Approach

Children, however young, are adept at picking up cues from their parents when something’s not right. Through the collaborative divorce process, your attorneys will help to foster an environment for negotiation in which you are no longer gripped by the strong emotions and frustrations inherent in most litigated divorce cases. A collaborative divorce also allows you to regain control of the process as well as your peace of mind. Seeing their parents in a calmer state, it’s possible that your children will also experience less stress and apprehension during this challenging time.

If this seems like an option you would be interested in exploring further, contact Jones Law Firm, PC in Denver to learn more about how we can help. Our dedicated collaborative divorce attorneys are committed to addressing your needs and concerns and providing you with the legal guidance you deserve. Why hesitate? Learn today how we may be able to ease the stress of your divorce for you.