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Understanding Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce in Denver

When facing a divorce, there are two different routes that your case can go. If you and your spouse are able to reach an amicable agreement on all the terms and conditions of the divorce, then you will be able to settle your matter outside of court. Unfortunately, many divorce cases are of a more contentious nature, it not uncommon for the parties to disagree on several matters.

When you and your spouse are unable to agree on all the terms of the divorce, then the matter is taken to trial where a judge will make the final judgment for you. This is referred to as a contested divorce. Even when just one is issue is causing controversy, the case is considered to be contested. If you wish to avoid trial, then divorce mediation may be a good option for you. Mediation can help you to reach an amicable agreement on your own because you have an unbiased third party to guide you through negotiations.

When filing for divorce there many issues that must be negotiated and decided on before the divorce can be granted. In the event of divorce in Denver, a child custody agreement must be established, child support needs to be calculated, the property needs to be divided between the two parties and spousal maintenance must be resolved. These issues may be miniscule or trivial to some, but they can actually have a tremendous impact on both parties, both in a personal and financial way.

When you bring forth the unresolved issues at trial, before the judge makes his decision your attorney will have the opportunity to bring forth any evidence, witness testimonies, financial documents or anything else that could possibly help your case. It usually ends up being one spouse’s word against the other which makes it more difficult for the court to decide. Ultimately, the judge will have the final decision which means that you have less control over the outcome than if you were to file for uncontested divorce. Every divorce is unique and requires a personalized approach. With the help of a divorce attorney from Jones Law Firm, PC, you can help determine if a contested divorce is right for you.

Divorce Attorney Serving the Families of Denver

Due to the sensitive nature of divorce cases, it would be wise to speak with an experienced family attorney to get a professional opinion about your case. Contested divorce cases typically take longer to resolve and they may take up to a year to fully conclude. This type of divorce can also be more costly depending on how much trial litigation takes place before it is resolved. Learn the difference between uncontested and contested divorce and which one is right for you!

Call now to speak with a divorce attorney from Jones Law Firm, PC today about your case!