Understanding the Division of Marital Debt in Divorce
During a divorce, a couple must reach numerous legal agreements regarding child custody, alimony payment, and the division of assets and debts. Dividing debt can…
During a divorce, a couple must reach numerous legal agreements regarding child custody, alimony payment, and the division of assets and debts. Dividing debt can…
Sometimes, one spouse covers the other for insurance because their company offers better coverage plans or the other partner doesn’t work. A divorce can impact…
Sometimes, a marriage comes to a point at which the couple has grown so far apart that they no longer feel united. In these cases,…
After a divorce, there are legal orders that both parties must follow moving forward. This can pertain to child custody or visitation, spousal support, or…
Going to court for a divorce is typical, but it’s not the only option. Learn the pros and cons of pursuing a collaborative divorce vs. traditional divorce.
If you’re a military parent going through a divorce, learn about the key legal considerations regarding child custody to best support your rights.
In Colorado, grandparents have a pathway to continue engaging in family time with their grandkids. Expand your understanding of grandparent visitation options.
If you’re unsure what financial disclosure means for your divorce case, we define and detail the importance of financial disclosure in divorce proceedings here.
Do you need to submit a request to alter your current child custody agreement? Learn about the key factors that courts consider when modifying custody orders.
The typical divorce route isn’t always necessary when a marriage ends amicably. Explore mediation as an alternative to divorce to keep things simple.
Sometimes, relationships don’t work out and couples split up. After a marriage, this split may mean annulment or divorce. Learn the difference between them.
Contempt of Court charges can be serious, and consequences can include legal fines. Learn about the financial consequences of contempt in family law.
The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.
Our team includes attorneys licensed to practice in multiple states including April D. Jones in California, Patrick G. Barkman in Texas, the Cherokee Nation, the Northern District of Texas, and the District of Colorado (United States Court of Appeals 10th and 5th Circuit).