
What Does Your Gut Say?

The saying has been thrown around many times when faced with a tough decision, “trust your gut.” This couldn’t be more true when it comes to the BIG question, “should we get married?” It’s interesting to note that a study was done on this so called “gut feeling.” A researcher, James K. McNulty, a professor of psychology conducted a study with newlyweds and their feelings about their relationship. McNulty found that the subconscious gut feeling …

How To Improve Relationship With In-Laws

Whether you like it or not, when you get married you not only gain a spouse, you gain a whole new extended family. In some marriages your new extended family is a blessing, and in other relationships they’re an ongoing burden. The good news is if you’re faced with controlling or challenging in-laws, there are strategies to make interactions with your in-laws smoother, and at times even pleasant. We’ve detailed how to improve relationships with …

How to Enforce Your Court Ordered Parenting Time in Colorado

Unfortunately many client’s walk into our office upset because their co-parent is refusing to let them exercise their Court ordered parenting time. Even more discouraging, many of these clients are already worn down by their initial custody dispute. And they feel like they have no hope in ever achieving a stable parenting time schedule with their ex. The good news is that the hardest part is already over. The court has already determined that parenting …

How to Have “The Talk” With Your Daughter: 5 Helpful Tips for Dads

Are you a single parent? Do you have a daughter? If so you understand how difficult it can be to relate to your daughter during her adolescence. Some subjects can be very embarrassing and sensitive. As a father it can be tough to talk about those uncomfortable subjects such as “the birds and the bees,” but it can sometimes be just as difficult for a mother. When speaking to your teenage daughter on the topic …

One Reason to Have an Attorney Look over your Divorce Separation Agreement

Nothing makes our office happier than to learn that two parties were able to resolve their divorce on their own without the help of attorneys, mediators, or the court. However, sometimes parties are so amicable that they sign an agreement written by themselves that fails to address all the issues in their divorce. This unfortunately can lead to a messy trial years after their divorce was finalized, resulting in both parties unhappy and incurring unnecessary …

Single Heading Into the New Year?

If you’re single this new year, here are some tips to help you have fun and move on not just get you through! Host a singles only party. This is a great way to connect with other singles and cultivate great friendships. Or even begin a new romantic relationship! Get rid of it! The past is the past, if you’re still holding onto that ex, or the stuffed animal he got you….box it up and …

Struggles Affording Christmas?

It’s that time of year where our bank accounts plummet and our debt inflates. But it certainly doesn’t have to be this way. Most people think that Christmas is about buying tons and tons of expensive gifts for one another to show their “love”. While buying gifts for someone is very nice, you certainly don’t have to completely drain your bank account. Your new year should not start with “how am I going to pay …

How to Speed Up my Douglas County Divorce

Our office spends a lot of time representing our clients in Douglas County. Although we love working with our clients in Douglas County’s domestic relations court, we have been shocked at how long it takes to get a final hearing date for our clients. As a family law advocate I understand how important it is for my clients to resolve their disputes quickly so that they can get on with their life. However, when a …

Divorce Anesthesia

There are two sides to every coin, and I will bet that just about everyone has been on both sides of this situation. In an article from The Huffington Post, writer Micki McWade discusses the different emotions between the spouse that leaves the marriage and the spouse that is left. Whether you are married or not, you have had relationships before and chances are you were in both of these shoes at one point. The …

Who Gets Custody Of Rover?

People who have never had pets may not truly get how deeply pet lovers love their pets. These pets are members of the family. Their toys take over the living room as much as a child’s toys do. They get gifts for the holidays. Some even get their own rooms. Famous designers have created lines of pet accessories. There is pet insurance and there are even pet psychics. There are also pet custody battles. And …


The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.

Our team includes attorneys licensed to practice in multiple states including April D. Jones in California, Patrick G. Barkman in Texas, the Cherokee Nation, the Northern District of Texas, and the District of Colorado (United States Court of Appeals 10th and 5th Circuit).