
Holiday Time Apart

Just met someone new before the holidays? You may not yet be at the point of meeting the parents or ready yourself to take your new someone home. If this is the case here are a few tips to help get you through your time apart. Talk about how much you two would like to communicate while you’re apart. You have to realize that the two of you may become very busy with various activities. So …

Taking the High Road

This message comes from a previous client of the Jones Law Firm. She recently emailed us an update of her and her now ex-husbands relationship. She gives a first hand look at how they went from fighting over everything to being civil and “doing what was best for the kids”. You may want to take notes as you read this! Divorce is never fun and can be downright heartbreaking when there are children in the …

Top 10 Cities for Divorce in America

The Huffington Post & the Daily Beast did a survey to find out divorce rates across American cities. You’ll be surprised to find out 2 out of the 10 cities are in Colorado. However, it was more shocking to me to see that 4 out of the 10 cities were all in Florida. Panama City, FL Sierra Vista, AZ Charleston, WV Medford, OR Reno, NV Daytona, FL Pueblo, CO Palm Bay, FL Jacksonville, FL Grand Junction, …


More and more I see children of divorce being spoiled with lavish gifts and expensive outings or vacations from both parents. Perhaps the parents feel guilty for putting their child through the divorce or are trying to make up for the time that they spend away from the child now that their time is split with the other parent. My nieces, who I dearly love, are children of a divorce and in my opinion they …

Will My Ex’s Affair Give Me The Upper Hand In My Divorce?

It is not uncommon for an extramarital affair to lead to a divorce. As a result every so often a scorned spouse will come into my office with the hope that their spouse’s infidelity will give them advantage in their divorce case. Sometimes a client thinks that the Court will be more likely to give them more parenting time with their kids, other clients assume they will be able to walk away from the marriage …

Unfit for Parenting?

This story comes out of New York, New York, and presents a very slippery slope situation. The backdrop to the story is an ongoing case for divorce between David Schorr and Barbi Schorr. The father (David Schorr) has his son every other weekend and each Tuesday night for dinner. What David was not expecting from what he believed was a good parenting move, was potentially less court awarded time with his son. David picked up …

Brownie Points: An App for Your Relationship

Ever heard of the term, “There’s an app for that”? Well it would seem there’s an app for everything these days. The newest and somewhat wacky app is called “Brownie Points”. This app is directed towards relationships in the hopes of the couples fulfilling each others needs. Initially I thought this may be a bad thing and get couples fighting more than anything. However in the retrospect of what the app does (helps meet expectations …

Colorado Man Throws Away $500,000.00 in Marital Property

Colorado man throws away $500,000.00 in gold to prevent wife of 25 years from receiving the property in their divorce Earl Ray Jones, a fifty-two year old Teller County resident told his wife’s attorney in a deposition recently that he converted the parties’$500,000.00 in retirement and investment accounts into gold bars and coins and then tossed the gold into a dumpster behind the weekly-rate hotel he was staying in. Apparently, Mr. Jones was so angry …

Know the Lingo: Common Acronyms in Colorado Family Law Cases

Throughout the course of your family law case, you will most likely hear quite a few acronyms thrown around by attorneys and the Court. I have compiled a list of the most common acronyms below. ADR: Alternative Dispute Resolution. This is a general term for methods of resolving cases outside of the courtroom. There are several types of ADR, for example mediation, arbitration and settlement conference are all considered ADR. QDRO: Qualified Domestic Relations Order. …


The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.

Our team includes attorneys licensed to practice in multiple states including April D. Jones in California, Patrick G. Barkman in Texas, the Cherokee Nation, the Northern District of Texas, and the District of Colorado (United States Court of Appeals 10th and 5th Circuit).