2houses: I-Phone App that Divorced Parents Need to Check Out

Typically Co-Parenting involves hundreds of emails, text messages, and phone calls to the other parent. These communications could be about a myriad of things, for example: parenting time, uninsured medical expenses, ballet recitals, and baseball games, etc. To be honest it is a lot to keep up with, even for parents that live in the same home. So if you’re a divorced parent keeping everything straight can be a logistical nightmare of sifting through old emails, and last minute texts to your Ex.

That is why 2houses was created. It is a one-stop app that is truly a facilitator between you and your ex. This amazing app has the following features:

  • An editable calendar to track overnights, extracurricular activities, holidays, and doctors’ appointments. It even has a feature where you can schedule changes to your parenting time by sending a request to the other party where that party can either agree or disagree to the proposed change.
  • A finance organizer where you can ask for reimbursement for expenses you pay on behalf of your child. This feature will even formulate the percentage that each parent is responsible for. The only glitch is that this is a European app, so the € sign appears next to each amount rather than a $ but that is a glitch I think you can live with.
  • A journal feature where you’re able to jot things down about your child’s day or homework. It also allows you to upload photos or videos of your kid that you want to share with your Ex.
  • An infobank where you can store your child’s important information. This feature makes information like, health insurance info, SS numbers, teachers and coaches phone numbers all at each parent’s fingertips.

I know that my clients are often frustrated when they send their Ex an email concerning one thing, and their spouse responds but does not answer their question. This app seems to solve this problem by streamlining requests into difference sections, so a parent can accept a change to parenting time, but reject a request for reimbursement.

Check out 2houses at https://www.2houses.com/en/ and see if it would work for your family.