
16 Ways I Blew My Marriage

16 Ways I Blew My Marriage Dan Pearce While perusing through Pinterest one evening I happened across this pin with a rather comical but sad picture. The caption being, “16 Ways I Blew My Marriage”, by Dan Pearce. In his article he lists things he had done wrong in his marriage that he wished he could “do-over”. The reason I want to share this article is because I think many people wish for “do-overs” too …

Strangest Divorce Laws in America

The laws that govern a divorce vary from State to State, and sometimes city to city. Fortunately, none of the below laws apply in Colorado, nevertheless they are surprising, and will likely cause you to scratch your head, or make you chuckle. Alienation of Affection: In New Mexico and Mississippi you can bring a case against you’re Ex’s lover called “alienation of affection.” If you can prove to the court that a third party is …

Healthy Dating After Infidelity

When a marriage ends because of infidelity, it’s a good idea to take some time alone once the dust settles. Don’t go joining a convent or become a monk. Hang out with friends and join new social circles. But you may want to lay off from the dating until you’ve healed from the nightmare. After time has passed and clarity has been reached, you may feel (or perhaps your friends have been vocal in their …

A Model Divorce: Ashley Judd & Dario Franchitti Pledge “Family Forever”

After 12 years of marriage Ashley Judd and Dario Franchitti are deciding to call it quits. The 44-year-old actress and the 39-year-old racecar driver tweeted “Family Forever” to each other as a statement was released that they have decided to get divorced. According to their statement, “We have mutually decided to end our marriage. We’ll always be family and continue to cherish our relationship based on the special love, integrity, and respect we have always …

Better Communication For A Stronger Marriage

If lack of communication is the number one reason why couples get divorced, it stands to reason that couples who want to stay together should work on their communication skills. Nothing about this subject is new. But everyone needs a reminder, now and then, on the importance of open and honest communication. To be honest with your spouse, you first have to be honest with yourself. When you emotionally shut down and go into “Yes, …

Demi Moore Requests Spousal Maintenance and Attorney Fees from Ashton Kutcher

Starlet Demi Moore responded to Ashton Kutcher’s Petition for divorce requesting spousal support and attorney fees from Kutcher. Allegedly Moore is extremely hurt after Kutcher’s infidelities and now she is seeking to make him pay. Moore’s request is surprising as reportedly she is worth 150 million, while Kutcher is worth 140 million. While clearly Moore can afford to support herself, and pay her attorney, many speculate that she has requested support and fees as leverage to negotiate …

The Healthy Man’s Guide To Moving On After Divorce

Women are more well-known for talking about their feelings. But just because they may not say much (or anything) doesn’t mean that men are devoid of emotions. When a couple divorces, two people are splitting up. And the guy (being just as human as the woman) will have some emotional hills to climb. Sam J. Buser, PhD. Co-authored a book that deals with this very topic. In The Guys-Only Guide To Getting Over Divorce, are some …


For divorced or separated parents trying to communicate with the other parent, share information, create a schedule for exchanges and school activities can be fraught with conflict. A website where the parents can connect and communicate in a neutral environment and have a record of communications goes a long way to reducing conflict and increasing accountability. Weparent.com recommends these websites for co-parenting: jointparents.com notbaggage.com sharekids.com

New Trend: Divorce Ceremonies

While the term “divorce ceremony” may sound strange to some, they are quickly gaining popularity with some divorcing couples. The reason these ceremonies are becoming more popular is because they are a tool to help children of divorce cope with their parent’s divorce, and for the parent’s to reaffirm their commitment to raising their children as a parental unit. Unlike a wedding ceremony, divorce ceremonies are typically a more solemn affair. The point of the ceremony is …

What is a Restraining Order?

In some divorce cases, spouses opt to file for a legal injunction in the form a restraining order to protect themselves. The order prohibits a party from performing certain acts. Any form of violation warrants a criminal or civil charge, sometimes even involving arrests for possible imprisonment. A restraining order protects a person from imminent danger which may otherwise cause undue harm. While a divorce case is still pending, the same court may issue a protection order filed by …


The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.

Our team includes attorneys licensed to practice in multiple states including April D. Jones in California, Patrick G. Barkman in Texas, the Cherokee Nation, the Northern District of Texas, and the District of Colorado (United States Court of Appeals 10th and 5th Circuit).