
Learn More About Jones Law Firm!

Perhaps as a child you remember your parents going through a divorce, the tension was always strong in the house, especially when they couldn’t come to an agreement. You remember how hard it was on you and your siblings, and how much you just wanted to be there for them and yet felt as if there was no way you could. You remember they never hired a lawyer to help them, and the process of all …

Hiding Assets In Divorce: Never The Right Strategy

A survey conducted by the National Endowment for Financial Education found that approximately one third of U.S. couples with combined assets were dishonest about money. This includes lying about debt as well as money earned. The survey also found that 58% have hidden cash and 54% have hidden a minor purchase. Such deception can be harmful in a relationship. But it’s downright illegal during a divorce proceeding; doing so can be detrimental to your case. …

Divorced From Health Insurance

The financial effects of divorce start to add up quickly. All of a sudden the one income has to cover the expenses that used to be split between two. This includes housing, utilities, food, and insurance. And for women that have always relied on their husbands health insurance plans, it can mean the end of health insurance altogether. The University of Michigan conducted a study of women from age 26 to 64 between 1996 and 2007. From …

Whose Babies Are They?

The latest chapter in Cindy Close’s life read like a script from a made-for-TV movie. Cindy and Marvin McMurrey III met and became friends in 2005. During the course of their friendship, they learned that they both wanted children. Theirs was not a romantic relationship. They had dated in years past, but it never got to that level of intimacy. But through the wonders of modern technology, a baby was still possible. They entered into …

What is Step Parent Adoption?

When two people decide to get married, they make a commitment to love each other and begin a new life as a family. The same is true in a step parent adoption. When a man marries a woman (or vice versa) that already has a child, that man may decide to officially adopt his step child, taking on all the rights and responsibilities it encompasses. Though typically an uncomplicated process, the step parent adoption does …

Teenagers & Their Parents’ Divorce

The teenage years are awkward all by themselves. Dealing with physical changes and changes in friendships. First dates and first pimples. Peer pressure and parental pressure. It’s a very volatile time in life. Sometimes teens are very vocal about how they feel. Other times, they can seem okay while they’re emotions are all over the place. If their parents are going through a divorce, it is yet another change. Something else to get used to. …

How Not To Tell An Ex About Getting Remarried

After a divorce, some couples choose to keep their distance as much as possible. Others, often for the sake of the kids, must remain in regular contact. And as life goes on, it’s almost inevitable that one of them will eventually have to tell the other about a remarriage. There are right, albeit awkward, ways of sharing the news. There are also wrong ways. Letting an ex find out on the internet may seem like …

Disabled Parents Face Child Custody Challenges

It is human nature to be biased against what is not comprehended. People have made some poor choices in life just because they knew little or nothing about the alternative. It is from this mindset that so many disabled people are prejudged before they are understood. Their limitations are noticed long before their talents and capabilities are discovered. As a result, countless parents have found themselves in drawn out custody battles. Despite the passing of …

Facebook, Twitter, and Your Divorce

As much as we all love our Facebook, Twitter or other social media accounts, we sometimes forget that over-sharing on these public forums can have significant and negative consequences, not only professionally and personally, but there are legal consequences as well. We have all seen the posts of a friend venting about her relationship woes or how they drank way too much the night before. Judges and Magistrate’s here in Colorado generally disdain parents or …

Calculating Support When One Parent Has No Income

First know that both parents are legally responsible for supporting the kiddos—not just the parent who pays support. With a few exceptions, if one parent does not have income, the Court will impute full time income to that parent before calculating maintenance or support. In other words, we will assign income to that parent before calculating support and assume they earn at a full time rate based on theirpotential for earning income. How much will the Court impute? Your …


The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.

Our team includes attorneys licensed to practice in multiple states including April D. Jones in California, Patrick G. Barkman in Texas, the Cherokee Nation, the Northern District of Texas, and the District of Colorado (United States Court of Appeals 10th and 5th Circuit).